As required by law (GDPR), we will remove accounts that are flagged as inactive by our systems. Privacy is important, even for users that no longer use Buttonizer (and don't plan to use it in the future).
We will never 'just' remove accounts from our platform. If your account is flagged as inactive, we'll notify you via email and give you a date when we will remove the account (usually within 2 months). In this email we give you details how to 'save' your account.
If you do not respond, your account will be removed from our platform on the given date. All account information, including sites, groups, buttons, widgets, analytics and formsubmissions will be deleted.
Before accounts can be flagged as inactive, accounts should match all the criteria following below:
- the account wasn't accessed after one year
- the account does not have any active sites (receiving traffic) for over 6 months
- the account never made any purchases in the past
- the account is not an active affiliate
I've made a purchase
In this case, we currently won't remove your account, even if it matches any of the other criteria. This is due to TAX regulations/laws.
If you want to remove your account, please contact us instead.
Email address is no longer in use
When an email address is no longer in use and the email bounces, there will be a message displayed into our dashboard if you sign in while the account is scheduled for deletion.
Can I remove my account faster?
Yes, you can remove your account at all times. Please contact us by opening a support ticket, we'll manually remove your account from our platform.
Can I recreate my account after it's being deleted?
Yes, when your account is deleted after being inactive, you can use the same email address in the future. Keep in mind you will start with a new account.
Any questions? Make sure to let us know and open a support ticket 🙂