Dear Buttonizer Community,
Currently we are working on improving our user experience and connecting different user accounts to one single Buttonizer account. We have built a new Buttonizer Dashboard which means that we will transfer and connect all Buttonizer Community accounts to our new user system. When you sign in to your Buttonizer Community account, you sign in with your new Buttonizer Account instead.
All your posts, tickets and questions will remain the same and your account has been connected automatically.
What has changed?
You now sign in with your email instead of your username. Your username will still be displayed on our Buttonizer Community when you sign in.
Your password has remained the same. If you forgot the email of your account, please contact us via our contact form. We'll help you out.
Why do I have a Buttonizer Account now?
Behind the scenes we are working on some new features and ideas. The new dashboard is part of this process. To prepare for this update, we've introduced a Buttonizer Account. Your Buttonizer Account will be synchronized with your licenses and websites automatically.
If you have any questions, please contact us!
Old maintenance information
Later today we will close the registration form to prevent creating new accounts via our Buttonizer Community. In the meantime, we will migrate all necessary information to the new dashboard. Overall this proces may take a few hours to complete.
If there are any questions regarding to this maintenance, please let us know or send us an email via our contact form.
Due to the migration the focus of today is making sure the migration goes as planned. Today our support will be minimalized, apologies for the inconvenience. We'll reply to your requests soon.
08:23 UTC - Preparation migration
09:51 UTC - Sign-up closed
The sign-up has been closed to prevent an unsynchronized migration
10:36 UTC - Finalizing tests. Accounts will be migrated within two hours
12:14 UTC - Finished migration - Preparing connecting community to the new user system
12:23 UTC - Deploying Buttonizer API
12:41 UTC - Updating Buttonizer Community packages
12:47 UTC - Updated Buttonizer Community to latest version of the forum software
13:03 UCT - User migration completed