How to cancel your subscription
If you have decided to stop using Buttonizer, you might want to cancel your subscription and stop being charged for the service.
But don't worry, you can cancel your subscription anytime with a few simple steps. 😊
Here's how to cancel your subscription:
- Login to the Buttonizer dashboard. You can access it from here.
- Go to My subscriptions. You will see a list of all your active and inactive subscriptions.
- Click on the Details button of a subscription that you want to cancel. You will see the details of your subscription, such as the plan, the billing cycle, and the next payment date.
- Click on Cancel subscription. You will be asked to confirm your cancellation.
- Confirm your cancellation. You will receive an email confirmation of your cancellation.
That's it! You have successfully canceled your subscription. 👏
Please note that canceling your subscription does not immediately cancel your premium license. You can still access premium features until the end of your subscription's billing cycle. After that, you will lose access to the premium features.
If you change your mind and want to reactivate your subscription, you can do so from the same page where you canceled it. Just click on Reactivate subscription and follow the instructions.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to create a ticket. 🙂