If you have a website that requires visitors to log in, you may want to assist them in case they encounter issues with accessing the WordPress dashboard.
By default, Buttonizer does not appear on the WordPress login page, just like most plugins. But by adding a script to your functions.php
, Buttonizer can be added to this page as well!
Make sure to open the functions.php
of your child-themes (otherwise it will be overwritten on a theme-update).
function buttonizer_on_login() {
echo '<!-- Buttonizer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(n,t,c,d){if (t.getElementById(d)){return;};var o=t.createElement("script");o.id=d;o.async=!0,o.src="https://cdn.buttonizer.io/embed.js",o.onload=function(){window.Buttonizer.init(c)},t.head.appendChild(o)})(window,document,"YOUR-PERSONAL-SITE-IDENTIFIER", "buttonizer_script");
<!-- End Buttonizer -->';
add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'buttonizer_on_login' );
Replace the code above with the code from your site. You can find it by going into the editor, press the button next to Publish
or Update
, click Integrate
and copy the code in Integrate Buttonizer on a custom site
In case you have any questions or feedback, let us know! 🚀