How does time schedules work?
With time schedules of Buttonizer you can control when (time & dates) your buttons are hidden or shown. As Page Rules you can create an unlimited amount of time schedules. Each time schedule has a set of rules when the buttons are triggered.
One button can only contain one time schedule but multiple buttons can have the same time schedule.
What can I do within a time schedule?
- You can select a start and stop date (the last one is optional). This way your buttons are triggered only between the dates you have selected.
- You can select on which day(s) of the week and between what times the button is triggered. For instance, only activating a call button on the weekdays between your operating hours.
- You can have custom rules set for specific dates. This can be useful on days where your operating hours can differ, for example on Christmas. Or when you have specific events or promotions that are only active on specific days.
How do I setup my first time schedule?
- Select a button, scroll down and click on advanced settings
- Go to time schedules and click on 'manage time schedules'
- The start date is pre-filled with the date of today. If you want to start later click on the field and select a date into the future
- You can also set an end date if you want the buttons to be triggered until a specific date.
- Toggle the days on which you want the button gets triggered
- Optional: scroll down to 'exclude dates' and click on 'add date'. You can add a single date where buttons will be triggered on different times then the times you have set in step.
Tip: for each time schedule you can set if the button shows or hides when time schedules are triggered. If you set the option on 'hide button when time schedule is selected' instead of 'show' every 'blue' toggle will hide the button.
Choose if the time schedule rule trigger causes to hide the button or show the button
If you select to advanced settings > time schedules and select a time schedule a dropdown will appear. Here you can set if the button hides of shows when the selected time schedule rules are true.
Examples to use time schedules
- Only show a call button on your opening times
- Only show a whats'app or email button outside your opening times
- Make a floating action button that only shows on specific promotion days
- Show floating action buttons on only before an during your event
- Show a specific floating action button in the morning, another in the afternoon and another ini the evening
By using filter options such as time schedules you can make your website very interactive as your user only sees the most relevant floating action button.