Abdo I passed an anti-virus and malware on wordpress and accused that the plugin has Trojan and PHP Malicius. How to solve this? I bought the pro version. Thank you MOD Edit by @Jasper Removed attached image from topic as it contained personal information
Jasper Hi Abdo , thank you for reaching out! That's interesting. Could you let us know which plugin accuses us from being a virus? Let us know, then we'll investigate that 😃
James Abdo , Thanks for letting us know about this. It seems that the malicious warning seems to be coming from a component that we use. This component has been investigated by Quttera themselves and determined that it was clean. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/quttera/ You can safely whitelist this file. 😄
Abdo I appreciate the speed in the response, now see he said that 7 months ago they would correct it and apparently they didn't. This version I'm using is less than 30 days old. I think they should ask for explanations from them. Thank you