Some caching plugins will try to minify our already minified code. When you have the plugin like W3 Total Cache or Autoptimize activated, it's possible that the feature 'minify javascript files' is enabled on your website. In this case, the caching plugin will try to minify the JavaScript of Buttonizer again.
Sometimes it will conflict with our already minified JavaScript files, it depends on the situation, but Buttonizer could break due to this. So you'll need to exclude some files.
Exclude Buttonizer from W3 Total Cache
In the admin dashboard menu, go to the menu item Performance and choose Minify ( Only on the admin sidebar menu ). Scroll down to the textarea 'Never minify the following JS files'.
Rules for the Buttonizer for WordPress plugin version 3.0 or higher
If you are using Buttonizer 3.0 or higher, you need to add our CDN file to prevent the file being cached/defered in the wrong way:
The embed.js
file is already heavily minified 🙂
Rules for version 2.9 or lower
When you use the Buttonizer free version, add the following rule:
When you use the Buttonizer premium version, add the following two rules:
Now you're finished. Save and purge the cache.