You can make a WhatsApp chat button for your WordPress website with Buttonizer. In this video we explain how to make this button. It’s easy to set up a click-to-WhatsApp button with the WordPress plugin Buttonizer. It’s even possible to set up a custom chat message for WhatsApp.
You can easily style the button by yourself, so it fits the design of your website. The WhatsApp chat button will increase the interactions on your website. In this video we are going to show you how to make and style this button. Customizing Buttonizer is very important. You probably worked hard on your WordPress website to make a perfect design. It’s very important to change the design of the buttons to the design of your website. This way your website looks put together and clean. TIP: use the colors that you used on the website. You can also upload over 10000 of our icons, or you can easily upload your own icons! If you are a graphic designer and you want your Buttonizer to be unique? Then you should definitely design your own icons, it looks great and it is fun to make!