Zabriskie73 How frustrating it is ! I have a news media website with 8 main sections and i have really no reason to split them in 2 menus. So, do you plan to increase one day that limit inside the menu ? Thanks.
Jasper Hi Zabriskie73 , Since version 2.2.4 that was released last week it's possible to show more then 7 buttons per group. Go to Preferences and enable Show more then 7 buttons per group. That should do the trick 🙂
Zabriskie73 Oh ! Wonderful, that was quick ! How lucky i am ! The sky is sunny today and i benefit immediately the improvements from the last update. This day will be a good day :-) Thank you so much.
Jasper Zabriskie73 Haha that's great to hear ☀️ For us here in The Netherlands it was a dark, cloudy and rainy day, but we're used to that ☁️ 🇳🇱 Have a great day and don't hesitate to open a new topic if you have any more feedback🙂