fellow Hello, How can I add an exception, like: show this button when page contains /string but HIDE the button when page is /string/string2 ? I don't see options for more complex page rules . Thank you.
Jasper Hey fellow , We'd like to let you know that we have implemented your suggestion and added complex page rules! It is available in Buttonizer 2.8.0 and was released on May 11, 2022 🎉 If you have any more feedback or ideas, make sure to let us know! Cheers, Jasper
fellow It will be easier if I will have also the negative conditions at PAGE RULE CONDITIONS BEHAVIOUR. Like: Page title DOES NOT contain, URL DOES NOT begin with....and so on. For example I want to show the button at all https://hristosinafrica.org/en/ pages, except https://hristosinafrica.org/en/childrens-camp/ . AND I also want to hide the same button on my romanian pages https://hristosinafrica.org/ .
Castor Hi @fellow , This indeed is currently not a feature in Buttonizer. I have added it to the feature request list and we will take a look at when we could possibly implement this. We will keep you updated through this post!