Hi beuningenit ,
Thanks for your support!
You could then perhaps use the button action Javascript function action to get the page name and place it into the mail subject. 🤔
Copy and paste this into the button then change the text to your liking:
// -------------- TEXT -------------- //
const page_title = document.title;
const recipient = "ADD RECIPENT HERE";
const subject = `Contactform on ${page_title}`;
const body = `Check a look at this page: ${page_title}`;
// -------------- RUN -------------- //
let parameters = `?subject=${encodeURIComponent(subject || "Subject")}${typeof body !== "undefined" ? `&body=${encodeURIComponent(body)}` : ""}`;
window.location.href = `mailto:${recipient}${parameters}`
Add ${page_title}
into the text when you want to include it.
Let me know if this works for you 😄