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1. Button that stays on the right side of the hero image
You can go to the settings of the group buttons, and open the Position container underneath the General tab. With this functionality you can determine very precisely the position of your button on the page and you can place it right next to the hero image.
2. Rectangular button with the text "Enquire Now"
3. Button will be vertical as in the text is rotated 90 degrees
Unfortunately you can not place a button with text vertically. What you can do is go to the Customer CSS Editor and add the following piece of code to get the button and text vertical. I'm sending a screenshot to clarify it.
Go the settings of the button or group and open the Custom ID & Custom Class container underneath the Advanced tab.
.buttonizer-button {
transform: rotate(-90deg)!important;
.buttonizer-button i {
transform: rotate(90deg) translate(-50%, 50%)!important;
4. Display a contact form
Creating a contact form is unfortunately not yet possible, but definitely something for the future. What you can do is create a contact form with Elementor Popups or another popup plugin and display that popup with Buttonizer
Let us know if you have more questions.