Hi there, first of all thanks for the amazing plugin! I added a button to the website I'm working on a few days ago with no problem, but since two days or so the button doesn't appear anymore and I can't access the editor, remaining stuck on the "buttonizer is loading.. .. ..if you have a slow connection give it a moment screen".
I'm attaching the error messages from the inspect elements >console page as text and a screenshot. Thank you so much!
Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://static.cloudflareinsights.com/beacon.min.js/v84a3a4012de94ce1a686ba8c167c359c1696973893317' with computed SHA-512 integrity 'z4PhNX7vuL3xVChQ1m2AB9Yg5AULVxXcg/SpIdNs6c5H0NE8XYXysP+DGNKHfuwvY7kxvUdBeoGlODJ6+SfaPg=='. The resource has been blocked.
embed.css:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
yzqhq0yz3iug3pzgseadfomqnuwpghwh.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
editor.min.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
embed_6189c7ad2364a38c39e2f91.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
embed.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 618 failed.
(error: https://cdn.buttonizer.io/static/build-v4.3.2/assets/scripts/embed_6189c7ad2364a38c39e2f91.js?h=37ba916aa1e31b261c37)
at o.f.j (embed.js:2:138852)
at embed.js:2:135649
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at o.e (embed.js:2:135614)
at Object.opengroup (embed.js:2:224062)
at e.<anonymous> (embed.js:2:237539)
at f (embed.js:2:229799)
at Generator.<anonymous> (embed.js:2:231146)
at Generator.next (embed.js:2:230228)
at Pn (embed.js:2:235717)
stylesheet:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
stylesheet:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)