Hi everyone.

I have a quick question as I cannot work it out. The buttons themselves won't start opened. I have checked the settings, cleared cache (even deactivated asset manager pro)........to no avail. I have even deactivated all plugins but it's making no difference (clearing cache along the way).

Looking at the code, it does not seem to be writing 'opened' in the DIV class. Every now and again for first time visitors the buttons do appear opened, but click onto subsequent pages they disappear. This is in all browsers or incognito.

The server settings are correct - this is a second site I am building for someone, in the same server environment. The first site works perfectly (as of version 2.18), and this one does not - even though it initially was a duplicated site from his first site.

There are no console errors appearing, so I am a bit stumped. Cache checked, no errors, other version working.
The site that does not let the buttons appear opened is: stneotshouseclearance.co.uk
The original that does let them open is: bedfordrubbishremoval.co.uk

If it works the first time, refresh the page then you will see the 'opened' has gone from the class. It's really strange. I keep thinking it's cache, but even with no cache on it's doing the same thing. I have tried uninstalling / reinstalling - even going back to Buttonizer 2.14 but it's doing the same thing. Any ideas?

Thanks all.

Oh and I forgot - even turned off minification for both JS and CSS (as that can often cause this type of thing), and that does not have it either

    Hi soopasimon , welcome to the community!

    Thank you for reporting this issue. We've internally tested this and you're right, since version 2.1.5 we've re-added the close menu on click outside, but we hadn't thought about the situation of the start opened functionality. As the start opened functionality tries to remember the state after the user closes it, it will keep the menu closed (with a cookie).

    In this your situation, the guest clicked on a link outside Buttonizer, so Buttonizer will close automatically (even if it's set on start opened). After the menu is closed, due to the cookie it will stay closed on the next loaded page.

    Reworking the frontend
    Currently we're reworking the frontend code from scratch, and we'll make sure to fix your issue. Our solution would be to add an extra option to turn off the close on click outside function and we'll also fix some issues with the start opened feature.

    You can expect this big update (with many other improvements) next month! Let me know if you have any other questions or issues, then we'll make sure to include these fixes 🙂

    Hi Mudavim ,

    I've merged this into this topic since it's about the same bug.

    Since Buttonizer 2.1.5, we've re-added an old feature of Buttonizer from version 1.5.x , close on click outside.

    We will create the option to enable/disable this. It will be released in our next big update next month! 😁

    15 days later

    I have a parent button that presents several children button when clicked. I would like to have the child buttons to remain open unless I click the parent button. As it is now it is closing when you click anywhere on screen. Would like to at least have the option to only collapse child buttons if and only when the parent button is clicked. Thank you for your support.

      Hi ahamagi ,

      I've merged this into this topic since it's about the same bug.

      Since Buttonizer 2.1.5, we've re-added an old feature of Buttonizer from version 1.5.x , close on click outside.

      We will create the option to enable/disable this. It will be released in our next big update! 😁

      Oh that's great. Thank you so much.