I really love your plugin. Unfortunately however, it is no longer visible on my website. I have searched for a solution on your forum to no avail. I have done the following:
- Deactivated all my plugin
- Checked my website in various browsers
- I double and triple checked the page rules
I am not on GoDaddy servers. So that rules out any problems with Sucuri Firewall.
I did notice something odd. When I open the Buttonizer settings to the page where the button should appear, the button does not render and what's more the Event tracker sends the following message:
Facebook Messenger The button is hidden because the attached page rule is hidden
Perhaps, there is the problem.
My website is reicontentpacks.com. It is currently in privacy mode so if you want to see it you will prompted to enter the following credentials:
Username: flywheel
Password: magnificent-piano