Hi WIZZs , thanks for the update.
I wouldn't know where to start looking for this CSS. It's definately not some custom CSS.
Then I think it's CSS from your theme.
So it looks definately as an issue that is caused by the update of Buttonizer.
That's indeed true, the reason is that we've changed the way Buttonizer generates it's CSS. In v2.1.9 and below there was a stylesheet attached to the header with some default CSS for Buttonizer. We're now generating the CSS dynamicly which allows us to customize Buttonizer even more and add more settings.
So the CSS in your theme that is now overwriting the icons in Buttonizer, was already there in the previous versions of Buttonizer, but is now overwriting the style of Buttonizer.
Can you solve this on your end?
We can try to move the generated CSS even more to the bottom of the <head>
, but as far as I know it's already close to that.
But we'll try to find a solution before the update later this week. I'll let you know when we've updated the plugin 🙂