Hi again,

On Elementor I have 2 breaking points for mobile/tablet(768px) and tablet/desktop (1150px).
Unfortunately, buttonizer seems consider tablet like a desktop, but i want some group buttons be visible only on my real desktop (1150px). But for now, those buttons are visible on tablet too, and this is annoying because those buttons are covering screen content. Pratically, my responsiveness on tablet is totally similar to mobile, and not to the desktop.
Can we fix that ?

Thanks for your support.

    Hi Zabriskie73 !

    Buttonizer currently has the following breaking points for the width:

    • Phone, until 769px
    • Desktop, from 769px

    I believe Elementor has a third option, that is the tablet one right? Is that the breakpoint between 769px and 1150px?

    We were already thinking about support a tablet breakpoint, so I've changed this topic into a feature request topic.

    Meanwhile, you might want to use custom CSS to hide Buttonizer on tablets/mobile:

    @media screen and (max-width: 1150px) {
       .buttonizer.buttonizer-group {
           display: none !important;

    Or only hide on tablets and show on phones:

    @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1150px) {
       .buttonizer.buttonizer-group {
           display: none !important;

    Ok thanks for the CSS code.
    However, there is a little error for hiding mobile / tablets, it's (max-width) and not (min-width).

      4 days later